(27 juli 23) Artikel i det ledande vinmagasiet Livets Goda: ”Hungarian wine – a small land’s big passion”

”Flocks of black wings are swirling on the sky, starlings in coordinated action darken the blue. Black sun, as their cloud can be called, might be the worst nightmare in this area – one of the biggest fears. At the nightfall sharp eyes of ungulates glint while searching for the sweet plunder. The harvest isn´t safe even under the hottest sun, as wasps´ hunger can consume a year´s work in less than 20 minutes. This is a wild and beautiful land where winemaking is deeply rooted in the culture, even from the time before the state-foundation. Man and farmland cooperate to fulfil the needs of the plants, while animals crave for the syrupy fruit creating the circle of life of the Hungarian vineyard.”

Hela artikeln från Jord & Kultur finns att läsa i upplaga #166, 2023, av det ledande vinmagasinet Livets Goda.

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