”The sun-drenched Canary Islands, popular among tourists for its diverse landscapes, mildclimate, and gorgeous beaches, lie in the Northern Atlantic Ocean with their closest point lessthan 100 km west of Morocco and the Sahara Desert. Despite sitting nearer the equator thanthe latitudinal spans conventionally prescribe as suitable for wine farming, the islands have amore than 500 years old wine farming tradition. It is not only the fresh and mineral wines of thevolcanic islands that have gained interest, but also the rare grape varieties which brings forththe fruit for the beloved beverages. Let us explore the wine of the Canaries, with extra focus onthe island with the toughest climate for cultivation – the desert island Fuerteventura – whichwas the first wine farming island of the Canary archipelago.”
Hela artikeln från Jord & Kultur finns att läsa i upplaga #174, 2024, av det ledande vinmagasinet Livets Goda.